Friday, September 21, 2007

273. yet another excuse


Okay, I really, really want to get to more posts in my Layman's Theology series but my church has been in the midst of a huge renovation project and I've been helping out a lot.

Whether we're ready for it or not, Quest 4.0 goes live this Sunday so I'll have my nights back to myself again.

I've mainly been helping out with the sound system gear and while I know we can have everything working this weekend, I'd be lying if I didn't say that I wish we had at least one more week to finish the install and tweak everything. (warning, techno-speak ahead) It's a pretty major upgrade - we're going from a sixteen channel, one monitor mix setup to a thirty two channel, four monitor mix plus subs plus sound piped to other rooms in the building. We have far less EQ than I'd like (only one 1/3 band EQ that we're using for mains), far more compression than we need (12! channels), and not nearly enough time to train people on it all.

That said, it's going to be a really sweet system. We've been playing music through the mains while working on the renovation and I've consistently been surprised at how clean our new Mackie S408 loudspeakers (emphasis on "loud") sound.

So stay tuned. And feel free to needle me with nasty comments if I don't get back to posting more entries next week.

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