Monday, March 05, 2007

255. out of my hands

I want to thank everyone who read my little story. I'd like to especially thank those who gave suggestions large and small.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, I had a post up last week that I've since deleted. In it, I shared a short story I'd written that I intended to submit to a short story contest called Daily Sacrament, a short story contest, run by Relief Journal. I've since taken down that post but you can find the original version of the story I submitted here.

Well, I'm finally done tweaking over words and commas and dialogue. I still think parts of it could be better but I found myself making and unmaking edits so often I figured it was time to upload the damn thing and see if it's got wings.

So it's out of my hands now.

Wish me (and the story) luck.

Thanks again for reading.

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